Pure Buxton and Pure Peak magazines to merge

From the next issue, the Pure Buxton and Pure Peak magazine titles are to be merged under the Peak banner, although with the blue of the Buxton magazine. The magazine will feature a dedicated Buxton editorial section included alongside the contents from the wider area. Previous distribution arrangements will continue, and therefore advertisers will benefit…

Business & Group Information Updates in response to COVID-19 pandemic

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, please find information below from councils, services, local businesses, attractions, events and town groups – click on the category titles. Information is being kept as up-to-date as possible – timing of updates are noted. Please follow the links for more information and full statements. Anything to add? Please email administrator@visionbuxton.co.uk.…

Call to Clean Up Carnival Day

Overflowing bins and a blanket of plastic cups and food containers on the Slopes, High Street and Market Place are familiar sights on Carnival day.  As part of their ‘Plastic Clever Buxton’ initiative, Transition Buxton would like to reduce the environmental impact of this popular day, and other community events such as the Buxton Spring…

Vision Buxton welcomes three new Directors

Towards the end of 2019, Buxton was successful in its application for funding from the Heritage Action Zone initiative, and the town passed the first stage of its application for funding under the Government’s Future High Street Fund scheme. Realising that, with the Crescent Hotel & Thermal Spa’s imminent reopening, the town’s retail and hospitality…

Could You Contribute to New Stock Photography of Buxton?

Following the release of the Buxton Visitor Economy Strategy (VES) Report this July, a discussion regarding the town’s digital presence took place at the Old Hall Hotel between interested parties including Vision Buxton (for the Visit Buxton website and media), Explore Buxton and Marketing Peak District & Derbyshire (for the Visit Peak District & Derbyshire…

Update on the Crescent Renovation Project

In early November, Jonathan Dawson, General Manager at Buxton Crescent Hotel & Thermal Spa, gave a presentation to our members at the Old Hall Hotel to update us on the renovation and plans moving forward. Hotel Jonathan began the presentation answering the question on most people’s lips –  “the Crescent will open when it is ready” (but…

Full Speed Ahead for “The Peaks and Dales Rail Link”

A group of Derbyshire organisations and individuals are working together to re-establish a passenger rail link between Manchester and the East Midlands, linking the north and south of the county, via the re-instatement of the line from Rowsley to Blackwell, permitting through journeys from Derby to Buxton and Manchester via Bakewell and the Peaks. Having…

Fringe40: the results are in

Buxton Fringe has revealed that this year’s bumper Fringe40 festival resulted in approximately 12,890 tickets being sold, a 43% increase on 2018. Meanwhile combined audience and performer spending resulted in a nearly £350,000 contribution to the local economy. Fringe40 was the biggest ever Fringe with 220 separate events. The average per performance audience figure for…

Plastic Clever Buxton – Business Survey

Businesses in the Buxton area are being asked to complete a short survey (just 10 questions) to help Transition Buxton (TB) gauge the scale of existing and planned activity to reduce the use of single-use plastic by local businesses.  This is part of an initiative that aims for Buxton to be one of the first…