Electric Vehicle Charging – let’s welcome more visitors.
As a business or organisation perhaps providing some car parking facilities for your customers and staff, we would like to draw your attention to a valuable opportunity.
The rate of electric car ownership in the UK is growing very quickly indeed. In December 2017, 2.9% of new car registrations in the United Kingdom were electric. This compares with 1.7% a year earlier. This rapid increase is forecast to continue.
Buxton and the Peak District are currently very poorly served for electric car charge points, so this increasing market sector is deterred from visiting our town and your business. As a market town and tourist destination, Buxton cannot afford to exclude a swiftly growing proportion of discerning consumers. You may also have staff members among those considering going electric in the near future. There are grants and subsidies available to reduce the already low cost of providing electric car charge points.
Buxton Town Team, Vision Buxton and Transition Buxton consider that providing more car charge points is a ‘win-win’ opportunity to support local residents, attract visitors, improve air quality and to help reduce green-house gas emissions; especially if the electrical energy is sourced from a renewable-energy company.
Some practical details and links are available here to help you make this move to ensure that your business is one that welcomes electric car drivers.
With warm regards from,
The Directors of Transition Buxton, Vision Buxton and Buxton Town Team
Web site: www.transitionbuxton.co.uk mail: contact@transitionbuxton.co.uk telephone 01298 22557
Web site: www.visionbuxton.co.uk mail: administrator@visionbuxton.co.uk telephone 01298 73033
Web site: www.buxtontownteam.org mail: townteam@buxtontownteam.org telephone 01298 71041