Report from the Accessible Buxton Initiative Launch

On the evening of Wednesday 22nd May 2019, the Pump Room filled with locals and not-so-locals interested in improving Buxton’s accessibility. Hosted by Sandra Jowett from Buxton Festival Fringe and Scott Russell from the Buxton Crescent Heritage Trust, the evening began with a performance from Chesterfield’s Fairplay Signing Choir to the delight of the audience:…

Buxton Crescent Redevelopment Update

“A Moment in Time for Buxton”   The Buxton Crescent Heritage Trust hosted an update event at the Devonshire Dome on Tuesday 4th December. The event featured a number of speakers who gave details of their involvement of the redevelopment project and answered questions from the floor.   Kate Dickson from Creative Heritage Consultants Ltd presented…

Crescent Trust launches June 2017

Celebrations in the Pump Room as the Crescent Trust is Launched! ​ A new era in the Crescent’s fascinating history was marked with the launch of the Buxton Crescent & Thermal Spa Heritage Trust in a celebratory event in the Pump Room on Tuesday 20 June. Over 80 guests joined the Trust’s Patron the Duke of Devonshire…